Maintenance and Design

The Office of the University Architect is responsible for the care and management of our trees and plantings. Routine shaping and health pruning of the trees on campus are mostly completed during the summer months.  The trees are surveyed twice a year in the Spring and Fall. Additional inspections and surveys are done prior to campus-wide events such as Commencement and Homecoming.  Specialized pruning for dead or hazardous limbs occurs at any time with on-call emergency crews. 

Trees are never removed unless necessary for new construction or are unhealthy. Further, any construction projects that occur near mature trees (over 6" caliper) must be evaluated by the Office of the University Architect prior to any planned work. Any removals must be approved by the Office of the University Architect.

New plantings must also be approved by the Office of the University Architect.

Campus walkways, plazas, specialty gardens, and athletic fields are maintained routinely.

There are a number of new and renovated landscape projects each year. Projects may be incorporated into a larger Capital Project, or they could be completed as their own project, depending on University priorities and funding. Many of these projects are designed by in-house staff.

If you have questions, please contact our Landscape Architect, Robert Lundgren, at 215-898-1120.

Projects and Requests

If you would like to create a maintenance request or report vandalism, please our online maintenance management system.

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